The contract is published 24.07.2024 07:52. Date of last changes: 24.07.2024 07:52
Intuitive 24hour pricing structure -
Contract ID | UA-2024-07-24-000329-a-c1 | |
ID | 2eac979cf2914e5f923c2d546fba29b0 |
The amount of the contract
81`114.99 UAH
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 81`114.99 UAH (VAT included) | |
80`614.99 UAH | ||
Contract number | 80855 | |
Date of signing | 23.07.2024 | |
Start date | 24.07.2024 | |
Expiration Date | 31.07.2024 |
The contract signed by all parties, and is acting legally
Nomenclature contract
1) |
?:tender form class cpv: 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Delivery address: Україна, Відповідно до документації
Required maximum delivery date
: 07.08.2024
A price per unit: 1.67 UAH
Quantity: 56 послуга
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Остапчук, Комар and Авдєєнко Старе золото |
National ID / Tax Number | 27780350 |
Legal address | 50460, Україна, м. Севастополь, село Тараща, парк Бодаревського, буд. 566 кв. 9 |
Purchase procedure | Report on signed contract |
Information about supplier
Name of Entity | Дуплій-Вертипорох |
National ID | 80677321 |
Legal address | Україна |