The contract is published 17.09.2024 15:59. Date of last changes: 19.09.2024 09:00
картопля -
Contract ID | UA-2024-09-17-000858-a-c1 | |
ID | 3887c2711ba649e6b74f7e0a63e6e388 |
The amount of the contract
99`000.00 UAH
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 99`000.00 UAH (no VAT) | |
Total payments under the agreement | 99`000.00 UAH (no VAT) | |
Reasons for termination of the contract | тест | |
Contract number | 1 | |
Date of signing | 16.09.2024 | |
Start date | 17.09.2024 | |
Expiration Date | 30.09.2024 |
The agreement was signed and acted, but was prematurely terminated
Nomenclature contract
1) |
?:tender form class cpv: 03212100-1 - Картопля
Delivery address: Україна
Required maximum delivery date
: 20.09.2024
Quantity: 5000 банка
Organizer of procurement
Official name | ДП Уловець Н.П |
National ID / Tax Number | 64564566 |
Legal address | Україна |
Purchase procedure | Report on signed contract |
Information about supplier
Name of Entity | ююююю |
National ID | 1111111111 |
Legal address | Україна |