The contract is published 07.08.2023 23:10. Date of last changes: 07.08.2023 23:34
Закупівля без використання електронної системи -
Contract ID | UA-2023-08-07-000431-a-c1 | |
ID | b1731fc6ba7c41cc8b69ee598c2b5105 |
The amount of the contract
45`000.00 UAH
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 45`000.00 UAH (no VAT) | |
Contract number | 3 | |
Date of signing | 07.08.2023 | |
Start date | 07.08.2023 | |
Expiration Date | 28.08.2023 |
The contract signed by all parties, and is acting legally
Nomenclature contract
1) |
Предмет №1
?:tender form class cpv: 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Delivery address: 36000, Україна, Полтавська область, Полтава, Мой адрес не дом и не улица...
Required maximum delivery date
: 31.08.2023
Quantity: 1 бобіна
Contract documents / changes
Signed Contract
Зразок договору про закупівлю товару.docx
Published: 07.08.2023 23:10
ID: ffeb216c3a7c45c4be7ee1bc677e8787
Document type is not specified
Published: 07.08.2023 23:10
ID: be7930776a3d4a159f60ebc8318316f4
Document type is not specified
Зразок договору про закупівлю товару (копия).docx
Added to change №1from07.08.2023
Published: 07.08.2023 23:18
ID: c4a61244dcd24fe0a80b865b4d000bdd
Document type is not specified
Added to change №2from07.08.2023
Published: 07.08.2023 23:34
ID: d35f4f21e64d4510bc9ffe8e3147c61c
Changes to the Agreement
Changes to the agreement №1from07.08.2023.
Detail changes
Reasons for the changes to the contract |
Continuation of the contract for next year
Description of the reasons for change | 232323 |
Date of publication changes | 07.08.2023 23:19 |
Notification of amendments to the Agreement |
Changes to the agreement №2from07.08.2023.
Detail changes
Reasons for the changes to the contract |
Continuation of the contract for next year
Description of the reasons for change | fsdfdsfsd |
Date of publication changes | 07.08.2023 23:34 |
Notification of amendments to the Agreement |
Organizer of procurement
Official name | ФОП Тест тестович |
National ID / Tax Number | 3117415591 |
Legal address | 36000, Україна, Полтава, Мой адрес не дом и не улица... |
Purchase procedure | Report on signed contract |
Information about supplier
Name of Entity | Поставщик 1 |
National ID | 11111111 |
Legal address | 35000, Україна, Волинська область, Луцьк, Шевченко, 35 |