The contract is published 24.01.2024 14:38. Date of last changes: 24.01.2024 15:22
dfgsfg dsfg sdfgdsfg
Contract ID | UA-2024-01-24-000210-a-d1 | |
ID | 5822b28b09ff44ceb68a6a5a1b9757d8 |
The amount of the contract
12`000.00 UAH
Сontract identification
The amount of the contract | 12`000.00 UAH (no VAT) | |
Contract number | 1234 | |
Date of signing | 24.01.2024 | |
Start date | 31.01.2024 | |
Expiration Date | 04.02.2024 |
The contract signed by all parties, and is acting legally
Nomenclature contract
1) |
trtr rty erty ery ertyery ery erytr
?:tender form class cpv: 03111000-2 - Насіння
Delivery address: 0000000, 0000000000 00 000000000000
Quantity: 111 аркуш
Contract documents / changes
Signed Contract
Published: 24.01.2024 14:36
ID: 18f68f38694f4a1889f66c91f1264f74
Document type is not specified
Published: 24.01.2024 14:38
ID: efbebea2f2b14adba04de83fc9043972
Signed Contract
Added to change №1from24.01.2024
Published: 24.01.2024 15:22
ID: 202e261423e74d4097d7165520828dc8
Changes to the Agreement
Changes to the agreement №1from24.01.2024.
Expects the Customer's confirmation
Detail changes
Reasons for the changes to the contract |
Decrease in the volume of purchases
Description of the reasons for change | 0000000 0000000 |
Date of publication changes | 24.01.2024 15:21 |
Notification of amendments to the Agreement |
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Тест Держ |
National ID / Tax Number | 55555555 |
Legal address | 22222, Україна, Київська область, Боярка, Нова пошта, відділення 1 |
Purchase procedure | ?:tender method selective_competitiveOrdering |
Information about supplier
Name of Entity | 00000000 00000 00000 |
National ID | 000000000 |
Legal address | 00000, 0000000, 0000000000000000 0000000, 0000, 0000 |