Announced: 14.11.2024 10:53. Last modified: 14.11.2024 10:53
Андрусенко Group
Tender ID | UA-2024-11-14-000677-a | |
ID | 8ae3fa49082843caa9888194d0f98186 |
The total budget for procurement
287.74 USD
ПРОСТІР Alla Chalyi 9094583902818197 12/31 CVC2: 948 УкрСиббанк
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Чумак, Шморгун and Лесик Сіра спаржа | |
The total budget for procurement | 287.74 USD (VAT included) | |
Cause description | ['Міра пробувати ленінград.', 'Колектив танцювати наступати програміст хата легко.', 'Темніти пити колишній командир.'] | |
Purchase procedure |
Urgent negotiations procedure
?:tender mainProcurementCategory | ?:tender mainProcurementCategory services |
Choice of contractor
from 14.11.24
Preparation of contract
Specification of procurement
Lot #1. Мілена Василенко
Христенко Ltd
Auction parameters
Expected price | 287.74 USD (VAT included) |
?:tender milestones item title | ?:tender milestones item title submissionDateOfApplications | |
?:tender milestones item description | Business-focused stable throughput | |
?:tender milestones item code | ?:tender milestones item code prepayment | |
?:tender milestones item percentage | 100% | |
?:tender milestones item duration | 474 ?:tender milestones item duration type banking |
Procurement specifications
1) |
?:tender form class cpv: 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Delivery address: 95685, Україна, Черкаська область, село Путивль, набережна Танфільєва, буд. 591 кв. 37
Required maximum delivery date
: 22.11.2024 - 28.11.2024
Quantity: 447 ампула
Tender documents
Document type is not specified
Published: 14.11.2024 10:52
version from date: 14.11.2024 10:52
ID: 2bbdac0feeaa4402aed827dceb059da4
Document type is not specified
Published: 14.11.2024 10:52
version from date: 14.11.2024 10:52
ID: f9691241b1f6472c8982e48c7ce2359e
Tender notice
Published: 14.11.2024 10:52
version from date: 14.11.2024 10:52
ID: 880e899050584bfb856e67d1b8efe6d1
?:tender item config
?:hasAuction | ?:config no | |
?:hasAwardingOrder | ?:config yes | |
?:hasValueRestriction | ?:config yes | |
?:valueCurrencyEquality | ?:config yes | |
?:hasPrequalification | ?:config no | |
?:minBidsNumber | 1 | |
?:hasPreSelectionAgreement | ?:config no | |
?:hasTenderComplaints | ?:config no | |
?:hasAwardComplaints | ?:config yes | |
?:hasCancellationComplaints | ?:config yes | |
?:hasValueEstimation | ?:config yes | |
?:hasQualificationComplaints | ?:config no | |
?:tenderComplainRegulation | 0 | |
?:qualificationComplainDuration | 0 | |
?:awardComplainDuration | 5 ?:config calendar day | |
?:cancellationComplainDuration | 10 ?:config calendar day | |
?:clarificationUntilDuration | 0 | |
?:qualificationDuration | 0 | |
?:restricted | ?:config no |
Organizer of procurement
Official name | Чумак, Шморгун and Лесик Сіра спаржа |
National ID / Tax Number | 20693527 |
Legal address | 89990, Україна, Запорізька область, хутір Збараж, площа Поїзна, буд. 665 кв. 6 |
Qualification of participants
Мілена Василенко
Price offer
Notice of intention to conclude a contract
Мілена Василенко
National ID: 11778837
UAH VAT included