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Procurement Item

plan#20241203.1034 Enim enim est sint.

Veniam dolorum occaecati est voluptates. Odio dolore eius ad perspiciatis nihil voluptates dolorem qui. Qui ab ex ratione sint eveniet commodi. Est nemo nihil quod eligendi ex. Voluptatibus eos aspernatur qui velit aliquam ipsa veniam. Reiciendis sed quam quo dolore iste incidunt maxime. Reiciendis eos quos labore ut accusantium saepe reiciendis. Recusandae est quasi dignissimos odio dolorem aspernatur.
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Expected price1`200.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.12.2024 10:56
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-03-000457-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
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ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Expected price1.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.12.2024 10:07
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-12-03-000414-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
ТОВ "Загальний замовник (тест)"
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Machines from 80s

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 30200000-1 - Комп’ютерне обладнання та приладдя
Expected price100`000.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.12.2024 08:28
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-03-000344-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_priceQuotation
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Arma virumque

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 09100000-0 - Паливо
Expected price100`000.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement03.12.2024 08:17
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2024-12-03-000341-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_competitiveOrdering
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ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24900000-3 - Чисті хімічні речовини та різноманітна хімічна продукція
Expected price8`888.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 18:28
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-001062-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
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ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Expected price2.20 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:54
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-001010-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Customer Organization2
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ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Expected price123`123.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:49
Current status of the procedureOffers considered
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-001004-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
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ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03000000-1 - Сільськогосподарська, фермерська продукція, продукція рибальства, лісівництва та супутня продукція
Expected price220.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:48
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-001001-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Customer Organization2
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Total optimal portal

Switchable multimedia challenge
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price8`514.43 USD
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:44
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000992-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Зубко, Щириця and Луценко Лайм
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Realigned bifurcated matrices

Streamlined tangible task-force
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price6`635.54 NKr
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:43
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000990-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Деркач, Слюсар and Гриценко Темний хакі
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Profound grid-enabled toolset

Synchronized dynamic approach
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price17`515.68 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:40
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000986-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Христич-Корпанюк Червоновато-брунатний
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Organic zero-defect frame

Organized foreground time-frame
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price8`100.71 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:40
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000985-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Скорик PLC Яскраво-бірюзовий
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Switchable bottom-line firmware

Phased upward-trending archive
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`276.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:39
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000984-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement published in English
synthesize robust e-business
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Пульти керування

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 34700000-4 - Повітряні та космічні літальні апарати
Expected price7`362.89 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:39
Current status of the procedureQualification
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000981-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_priceQuotation
Савенко Ltd Зелена сосна
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Managed well-modulated open architecture

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price43`804.55 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:39
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000979-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Швайка, Пелех and Терещук Золотий
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Seamless tertiary firmware

Customizable real-time leverage
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`037.00 NKr
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:39
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000980-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement published in English
mesh killer initiatives
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Self-enabling multimedia monitoring

Secured impactful functionalities
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:36
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000976-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
deploy cutting-edge partnerships
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Networked systematic flexibility

Cloned full-range analyzer
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`680.81 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:36
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000975-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_simple.defense
incentivize cross-platform e-services
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Блакитний Брандейса

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:36
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000964-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Пелех-Деревʼянко Ціан (колір)
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grow transparent action-items

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 34700000-4 - Повітряні та космічні літальні апарати
Expected price7`809.31 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement02.12.2024 16:36
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-12-02-000967-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_priceQuotation
Дергач-Фурс Яскраво-рожевий
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