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- page 354

Procurement Item

Pre-emptive even-keeled access

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price97`917.91 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:55
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000477-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Туркало-Вдовенко Темно-лососевий
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Compatible zero administration projection

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price302`800.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:54
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000476-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Заєць-Канівець Темно-зелений хакі
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Enterprise-wide dedicated portal

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 43000000-3 - Гірничодобувне та будівельне обладнання
Expected price95`487.79 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:54
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000472-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Бараник Ltd Блідо-карміновий
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Polarized analyzing algorithm

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price302`800.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:53
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000471-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Дейнека-Гайворонський Кремовий
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Optional demand-driven infrastructure

Expanded scalable throughput
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price19`197.58 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:53
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000474-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureCompetitive dialog published in English
brand dot-com e-markets
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Adaptive holistic architecture

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price302`800.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:53
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000470-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Бабійчук, Зінченко and Безбородько Бургундський
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Reactive 4thgeneration customer loyalty

Cloned radical intranet
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price8`145.26 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:53
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000473-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Ткаченко, Корпанюк and Коваленко Блідо-брунатний
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re-contextualize mission-critical e-tailers
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 30200000-1 - Комп’ютерне обладнання та приладдя
Expected price7`035.49 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:53
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000469-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method selective_priceQuotation
Чаленко and Sons Темно-персиковий
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Ergonomic optimizing customer loyalty

Horizontal homogeneous process improvement
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price7`973.51 USD
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:52
Current status of the procedureBid apply till 13.11.2024 09:49
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000468-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Литвин-Супруненко Спаржевий
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Configurable national process improvement

Re-contextualized static knowledgebase
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price19`510.88 UAH
?:tender lots count2
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 09:51
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000467-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Дробʼязко-Онищенко Блідо-рожевий
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Vision-oriented logistical structure

User-friendly multi-tasking paradigm
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price7`005.75 USD
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:59
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000388-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Литвин, Гресь and Верменич Гумігут
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Balanced didactic encryption

Quality-focused 4thgeneration infrastructure
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price8`669.26 NKr
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:59
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000387-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedure?:tender method open_aboveThreshold
Щириця and Sons Блакитний
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Horizontal systematic encryption

Enhanced zero administration secured line
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected price9`886.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:55
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000384-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement published in English
whiteboard virtual users
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Synchronized optimizing open system

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price302`800.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:55
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000382-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Левченко Inc Сливовий
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Networked demand-driven instruction set

User-friendly leadingedge artificial intelligence
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price8`882.71 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:55
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000383-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Лагода and Sons Персиковий
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Synchronized actuating infrastructure

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price61`665.55 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:55
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000381-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Бабʼяк, Терещук and Дрозд Синій (пігмент)
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Inverse mission-critical core

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price302`800.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:54
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000379-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Вітрук, Авраменко and Жаліло Геліотроп
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Extended asynchronous intranet

Operative scalable instruction set
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 16000000-5 - Сільськогосподарська техніка
Expected pricenot specified
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:54
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000380-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurements ESCO
e-enable back-end markets
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Grass-roots analyzing standardization

Synchronized hybrid projection
ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 24000000-4 - Хімічна продукція
Expected price8`084.32 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:54
Current status of the procedureUnsuccessful
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000378-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureOpen procurement
Орлик-Баран Темно-лососевий
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Inverse solution-oriented portal

ДК 021-2015 (CPV): 03100000-2 - Сільськогосподарська продукція та продукція рослинництва
Expected price302`800.00 UAH
Date of the procedure's announcement05.11.2024 07:54
Current status of the procedureCompleted
Tender IDUA-2024-11-05-000376-a
Purchase organizerState or public institution
Purchase procedureReport on signed contract
Журавель, Наливайко and Семенченко Колір морської хвилі
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